Hotel reservation and flight arrangements
If you decide to participate in the Career Forum, arrange hotel reservations and plane tickets as soon as possible. If the event dates overlap with tourist season or convention season, it may become more difficult to make arrangements. Also, as the Career Forum approaches, prices of airline tickets tend to rise. Please plan accordingly so that you will not miss out on important job seeking opportunities because you were not able to make hotel / plane ticket arrangements.
We recommend you to arrive on the evening before the day of the event to make full use of the Career Forum. By arriving the night before, you will be able to prepare and will not be in a rush in the morning. Depending on the event, there may be a networking reception with companies the day before the event so please check the event page before making any plans.
Also, depending on the event, there is coat check (possibility of a fee). If you are coming directly from the airport to the event, you can check your luggage at coat check.
Applying to travel scholarships
Career Forums, where you are able to interview with multiple companies at one time, is attended by not only those who live near the event location but from all over the world. This is why we have a travel scholarship program. Not all Career Forums have a travel scholarship program so please check each event page for details. Depending on the Career Forum, the application deadline is divided into 3 separate rounds. Even if you were not selected for the first round, you will automatically be considered for the second round. Therefore, if you apply early on, you will have up to 3 chances to be awarded the travel scholarship.
Although the number of scholarships is limited, many job seekers still participate in the Career Forum without the travel scholarship every year and have received job offers. Even if you are not selected, please attend the Career Forum to take advantage of the career opportunities that are available.
If there is a travel scholarship program, there will be a Travel Scholarship tab on the event page menu. Click on Travel Scholarship and you can apply for it when you click on “Apply for Travel Scholarship.” You will apply with your CFN resume. If you are not a CFN member, you can register to become a member when you apply for the travel scholarship.
*Please note that you will not be able to edit or re-submit your application once you submit your application
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